Our Philosophy

Our philosophy and mission statement at Trollgaard Dog Day Care is "we treat your dog(s) like our dogs." We love our dogs, treat them with kindness and respect, doing everything humanly possible to keep them out of harm's way.  We understand that dogs thrive in a structured environment of routine where playtime, rest, feeding, airing and socialization are activities best enjoyed on a schedule.  A dog with a routine is a happy dog.

We also believe in treating our customers the way we want to be treated, with respect and courtesy.  And above all, we honor the trust you bestow upon us in the safekeeping of your dog.  Like your dogs, our dogs are family members and we treat them as such.  We proudly continue Trollgaard's 50 plus year tradition of unsurpassed canine care.

Come visit us and learn first hand what others have known for decades!

Trollgaard's Middlemark and her unwavering gaze.